Feature Story

Meydan mysteries solved as Yousif reveals the secret

Meydan mysteries solved as Yousif reveals the secret Nov 8, 2023

Ever wondered how Meydan Racecourse boasts one of the most luxurious turf tracks in horse racing despite being situated in the heart of the desert? Then read on!

By Sam Turner
In my former life as a British horse racing journalist and all-round sports enthusiast, I was always amazed how the action at Meydan could take place on such a lush turf track or the DP World Golf Tour could finish in Dubai at the end of another unrelenting summer when temperatures reached ferocious levels. 
Step forward Mohamed Yousif to explain. Meydan’s impressive Track Manager studies his art meticulously to produce the very best racing surface at Dubai’s iconic racecourse, so much so that he is trialing his own blend of seeds away from the track to discover if he can take the turf surface to an even 
higher level. It is this attention to detail which has seen Yousif slip seamlessly into the role this season and I was delighted to catch up with him recently to learn of plans for the forthcoming months and just how he manages to grow grass in the desert!

ST: “Come on then Yousif, let us into the trade secrets, how do you produce such a wonderful turf track in Meydan?”
MY: It all depends on the factors, and we try to manipulate them as much as we can – we make the seeds and the grass feel like they are in another place!
To ensure the track meets our safety standards, we grow the summer grass and grow the roots under the surface to make sure we develop a deep root.
Once we get those roots and the times comes to grow the winter grass, we cut off the grass from the top and plant the 
winter seed. That process has taken place this week and the grass will eventually grow to seven inches, although we will maintain it at five-and-a-half for racing.
Our first goal is the welfare and safety of the horses and that is what we’re always working tirelessly to achieve.
ST: And what about this new seed trial you are working on – you are almost a turf barista with your blend of seeds!
MY: We are always trying to improve and, even if we think we’re doing well, the aim is always to work on how we might get better. We get great support from the management and right now we are trialing some new seeds away from the track so that we can compare the quality of grass they produce. Our motivation and number one priority is to be the best in the world and not to stop at where we are, but to do better.